Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Out with the Camera Again—Finally!

I haven't budgeted much camera time lately. The weather, for Florida, has been cold, which I don't tolerate well, and winter isn't the season for insects, my favorite subjects. Plus, I had a nice stash of hoarded photos to post at the photostream in January and February, since I knew opportunities for new work would be slim to none.

Yesterday, however, I decided to go out. I wasn't expecting any good pictures this early in the year; I just wanted to see if the dragonflies had begun to make their return.

I started at Mead Garden. Perhaps the day was too cloudy and windy, but when I sat quietly at the lake shore, at first no camera in hand, just observing, I didn't see a single dragonfly skim over the water. I did, however, get a reasonably good shot of a snowy egret:

Snowy egret
Next, I drove over to Leu Gardens. There were bees and an occasional butterfly, but I found myself drawn more to flowers. I remember shooting soprano daisies last year but always being disappointed with the results. These, though, I do like:

Soprano daisy
Soprano daisy
Soprano daisy
I also managed one good shot of a sweat bee who was busy in a flower I don't recognize. I love when my big human existence dissolves, and I get to see the world that the little bug inhabits from his perspective.

Sweat bee