Thursday, July 20, 2006

Of No Concern to Anyone But Me

Let's say that I maintain this blog for fifty more years. When I'm rereading my July 2006 posts as a 92-year-old in 2056, I probably won't remember that today Lebanon and Israel were lobbing missiles at each other, civilians be damned. I won't recollect that just yesterday President Bush vetoed a bill on stem cell research, claiming that "each of these human embryos [destroyed while discovering cures for debilitating diseases] is a unique human life with inherent dignity and matchless value." I will have forgotten how he tried to explain the importance of potential life while US servicemen in Iraq and Afghanistan or the uninsured here at home were regularly annihilated without any consideration of their realized dignity or value.

Long in the future, I'm also certain that I won't remember the appearance of a white peacock butterfly nectaring in the flowering ground cover that Elizabeth and I planted under the crape myrtles. But there the white peacock was this week, another thing to ponder beside the illogic and depravity of world leaders:

White peacock butterfly
White peacock butterfly
White peacock butterfly